‘Fortnite’ overtime challenge: How to find chests and ammo boxes at motels and RV parks
Feb 14, 2019
“Fortnite” released its latest update on Thursday after something of a delay.
But the patch came packed with a slew of challenges that can help you earn next season’s battle pass — which gives you new rewards and challenges for the entirety of season 8 — for free, Polygon reports.
One of the more tricky challenges includes searching chests and ammo boxes at a motel or an RV park. You’ll need to complete this seven times.
This isn’t the hardest challenge from the game. It’s actually easy if you can make your way to RV parks and motels before dying in the game.
To help you out, here’s a look at where you can find these motels and RV parks.
RV parks: There aren’t a ton of RV parks left in the game. You’ll find one in Lonely Lodge. Specifically, you’ll find this to the east and slightly north of Retail Row in the I5 and I6 square on the “Fortnite” map, according to Eurogamer.
Motel: You will find the motel just to the west (or left side) of Lazy Links. You’ll find the motel on the eastern side of D2, according to Eurogamer.
Tip: Forbes recommends visiting these spaces while playing Team Rumble mode.
- “As with most chest challenges, there’s a sort of sliding difficulty scale on these. On day one everyone is dropping in to complete them, but they ease up as time goes on,” according to Forbes. “So if you’re getting blasted right now, just wait a few days and it should be no problem. As usual, Team Rumble always makes things easier both with a lower overall player count and the fact that half of the players aren’t trying to kill you.”
More: The other challenges are rather simple.
- You will have to deal damage with an assault rifle or pistols.
- You have to play duos with a friend and earn a top 15 spot.
- You’ll need to drop a campfire down and regain health.
Read more: Make sure to read where you can find coins in the creative mode, which I wrote about for the Deseret News.